Five Questions You Must Ask an SEO Expert Before Hiring

As search engines redesign their algorithms to have a smoother user interface, search engine optimization (SEO) is a rapidly changing activity. In the past, SEO could be achieved easily using keyword density calculations and cheaply purchased backlinks, today’s SEO can only be done as part of a comprehensive, coordinated digital marketing campaign.
It’s a full-time job in and of itself to find the best SEO expert. Choosing the right Houston SEO expert might be the most beneficial thing you ever do for your company. Choosing the incorrect one might be the most costly business decision you ever make.
Why is this so?
The possible harm done to your online presence as a result of weak SEO will have an indefinite negative impact on your digital image.
Here are five questions to ask before you hire an SEO expert:
1) Which tools do you use?
Knowing precisely what resources an SEO organization uses isn’t necessary, but being able to explain why they use such tools is important. Good SEO experts will have a variety of resources at their disposal for conducting audits and completing assignments, and they will have thoroughly reviewed each tool to determine which is the best. Consider the following questions:
What tools do you use to conduct keyword research, and why?
What do you use to monitor rankings, and why?
What crawler do you use, and why?
What do you use to monitor backlinks, and why?
Not just read a lengthy list of “nice tools,” your SEO partner should be able to explain why their favorite tools are used and the effect such tools will have when used properly.
2) Can you meet the team?
To attract new customers, most SEO experts will send their best squad. They want to make a decent first impression, after all. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the odds are you won’t be able to find the agency’s CEO and technical SEO expert doing your job.
Inquire if you should speak with the project manager and, hopefully, any other team members involved. You want to ensure that your deal is secured and won’t be turned over to an intern.
3) Are they currently working with competitors?
See, business is competition. It is like sports. You can’t let the other team know your strategy, neither can you play with their strategy. In the same way, you can’t risk your SEO strategy being shared by other companies. Ask your SEO experts if they are or will they in the coming future, work with any of your contenders.
If they do or will, just try to mention in your contract that you might press charges if your research or data is leaked to any other company. Keep an eye.
4) How do you manage and report progress?
Companies that are unable to offer a clear guidance about how success can be calculated and published should be avoided.
The frequency at which an SEO expert updates you on progress is likely to be determined by the scope of your project. The majority of brands will anticipate monthly updates. Larger organizations, as well as short-term and individual programs, may need more regular reports on the work in progress, but keep in mind that monitoring real progress week to week is inefficient and misleading.
Search results fluctuate for a number of reasons, including Google trying new code updates, rivals changing their content dramatically, and so on.
5) How do they stay up to date with changes in Google’s algorithm?
Being an SEO expert is not a 9 to 5 job. It is not doing what you’re told to do, it is doing things creatively and better than everyone else. Now, if your SEO expert does not stay up to date with changing search algorithms, they might just be doing SEO for the money. Google regularly updates its changes in search algorithm on Google Search Central, try to ask some questions related to this to your SEO expert, if they are up to date, you are good to go!
To conclude, by asking these questions you can root out black-hat SEOs and locate an organization that provides long-term results. Reviewing the responses to assess the practices and policies an SEO expert integrates into work is the right way to move forward.